Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What Is Job Corps?

Click Here To Begin Training Today!

If you or someone you know is interested in joining Job Corps or would like more information, you may download one of the following information brochures or call (800) 733-JOBS or (800) 733-5627. (TTY users may call (877) 889-5627.)
See how Job Corps is making headlines as it helps young people get on the path to success.
Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. For eligible young people at least 16 years of age that qualify as low income, Job Corps provides the all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life.
For detailed information about Job Corps' eligibility criteria, see our eligibility factsheet (12 kb PDF file).
If you or someone you know is interested in joining Job Corps, call (800) 733-JOBS or (800) 733-5627 where an operator will provide you with general information about Job Corps, refer you to the admissions counselor closest to where you live, and mail you an information packet.

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See the official Job Corps page on Facebook at

Note: The videos below may take a few moments to load and require Adobe Flash Player to be viewed. Instructions for viewing a video (131 kb PDF file) are available. If you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer, you may download it from If you cannot see a particular video, a transcript is available for it.

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