Thursday, October 31, 2013

Help For The Addicted

There are as many ways to get clean & sober as there are people.  You are not alone. You can make it. Give yourself a chance.  Maybe you tried before and failed. Try again.  You are not alone. There are people in your corner that are rooting for you that you may not even know.  Give yourself another chance. Step out in faith.  There is a way for you.  God wants to give you another chance. Take that chance today.  Pick up the phone.  Ask for help!!!  Take your life to a Higher Level without drugs and that negative way of life.  Life is calling you to another place.  Life is worth living.  Don't look back. Move forward.  Let your fingers do the walking and pick up that phone.

Touchstone Ranch Can Help You Recover From Your Addiction

Touchstone Ranch Texas Rehab
If you are ready to address your addiction, Touchstone Ranch in Stephenville TX may be the ideal solution.
There are many ways equine therapy in drug rehab can be beneficial.  First, you will learn how being responsible can make a positive impact on the way you feel about yourself.  Caring for a horse is an excellent way to develop a sense of responsibility.  When you see you can make a difference, you will begin to feel good about yourself again.
Second, bonding with a horse is a positive experience.  Even if you have become shy or awkward around people, this experience is a step in the right direction.  Your horse will show unconditional love and acceptance, and you will learn to do the same.
The 12 Steps to recovery are important at Touchstone Ranch.  Even if you have not yet given up drugs or alcohol, the Steps are the beginning to a clean life.  Equally important, they are the start of a new way of life.
The Steps will encourage you to acknowledge your addiction.  However, instead of being defeated by addiction, you will see there is hope.  When you do Stepwork, you will begin to understand and admit your problems, and prepare to make changes in your life.  Stepwork can help you proceed from a life of hopelessness to one that is healthy, happy, and productive.
12 Step meetings will provide the opportunity to share with others.  When you listen to other addicts, you will see there is much you can learn.  You can share your own story, knowing others will understand.
Touchstone is a Texas rehab that accepts insurance.  If you have a policy with one of the major companies, a call to Touchstone Ranch will let you know if it is accepted.
Your treatment program will offer your family the chance to participate.  This can lead to better understanding and communication between your family members and yourself.  They will also have the opportunity to learn about alcohol and drug addiction.  Substance abuse education is very important for both addicts and their families.
Substance abuse can be in the past, and a new life can be ahead.  Touchstone in Stephenville TX will provide the knowledge and skills you need to live a better life without drugs.
rehab centers in texas

Welcome to the Delancey Street Web Site

At our site we hope to show you a little about our model, our successes and our struggles. We’re considered the country's leading residential self-help organization for substance abusers, ex-convicts, homeless and others who have hit bottom. Our average resident has been a hard-core drug addict for sixteen years, abusing alcohol and multiple drugs and has dropped out of school at the 7th grade and has been institutionalized several times. Many have been gang members; most have been trapped in poverty for several generations. Rather than hire experts to help the people with problems, we decided to run Delancey Street with no staff and no funding. Like a large family, our residents must learn to develop their strengths and help each other. It’s an approach to changing lives that is “against all odds”.
We said we were going to take ex-convicts and ex-addicts and teach them to be teachers, general contractors, and truck drivers. They said it couldn’t be done. We said we were going to take 250 people who had never worked and had no skills and teach them to build a 400,000 square foot complex as our new home on the waterfront. They said it couldn’t be done. We said we were going to partner with colleges and get people who started out functionally illiterate to achieve bachelor of arts degrees. They said it couldn’t be done. We said we were going to run successful restaurants, moving companies, furniture making, and cafés and bookstores without any professional help. They said it couldn’t be done. We said we were going to do all this with no staff, no government funding, and no professionals. They laughed and said it couldn’t be done.
We struggle a lot but we’ve been doing it. For over 40 years we’ve been developing a model of social entrepreneurship, of education, of rehabilitation and change that is exciting and full of hope. If you need help, or want to help, please contact us. Most of all, we hope you can feel as inspired by ordinary people’s abilities to achieve extraordinary accomplishments as we’ve been.

Related Media
 “It's the Place for Second Chances” (San Francisco Chronicle, 9/11/11)
 “For 40 Years, an Advocate for the Underclass (The Wall Street Journal, 9/8/11)
 “Delancey Street rejoices” (San Francisco Chronicle, 4/1/02)
 “Serving Time” (West Magazine, 9/17/06)
 “Hitting Bottom Can Be The Beginning” (Parade, 3/15/92)
 Delancey Street on the Jane Pauley Show (NBC) (1/05 - Quicktime)
 “The Power of Mimi” on 20/20 (ABC) (12/89 - Quicktime)

Delancey Street Embarcadero Aerial Photo

"Delancey Street is an incredible mixture of pure idealism and hard practicality. It is the best and the most successful organization I have studied in the world" —Dr. Karl Menninger

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