Monday, November 12, 2012

Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace

  • Don't have access to bell towers to ring bells on Armistice Day, use this audio file
  • Applications are now being accepted for Howard Zinn Funds -Deadline Nov 19, 2012

Greater Seattle Chapter Will March in Veterans Day Parade Tomorrow!

Judge Peckman has issued a temporary restraining order and Preliminary Injunction today (Fri, Nov 9) that will allow VFP Chapter 92 in Seattle WA to march in the Annual Veterans Day Parade.
Updates will follow!

Veterans For Peace Sues to March in Veterans Day Parade

chap92_auburnparade.jpgVeterans For Peace Chapter 92 in Greater Seattle is represented by the ACLU of Washington in suing the city of Auburn for the right to participate in this year's Veterans Day Parade.
Veterans For Peace chapters are participating in events on or around this November 11th in over 50 U.S. cities, many of them honoring the tradition of Armistice Day, the earlier name for what is now called Veterans Day.
Veterans For Peace has participated in the Auburn parade every year since 2006.
Auburn rejected VFP's application to march in the parade this year, saying that other applicants more closely met the parade's goals and purpose. Among the applicants accepted are a motorcycle club, a Corvette club, the Optimists and Kiwanis International, the Sons of Italy, and a Daffodil Festival float.
The suit asserts that the City of Auburn is discriminating against Veterans For Peace because of the group’s viewpoint, and seeks a court order to allow VFP to march. <Full Press Release>

VFP Election Results

Michael McPhearson will remain on the Board and Michael Prysner, Mark Foreman, Patrick McCann and Ken Dalton will take office in January 2013.
Information on approved and disapproved bylaws and resolutions and vote details can be viewed here.
Description of proposed bylaws and resolutions

A Chat With Counterterrorism Chief John Brennan

by Medea Benjamin
medea_benjamin.jpegHaving recently returned from Pakistan meeting with drone victims, on November 4 my partner Tighe Barry and I were having a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast. The discussion turned to John Brennan, Obama’s counterterrorism chief and the key person making decisions about drone strikes. We wondered if Brennan ever had a chance to meet innocent drone victims, as we did, and feel their pain.
“Maybe we should go to his house and talk to him,” quipped Tighe. We laughed at the absurdity of the idea but decided to do a little bit of research. Fifteen minutes later, we were out the door, driving to a Virginia suburb an hour south of Washington DC. I had no idea if it was really John’s address, but it was a lovely day for a drive—and Tighe was willing to indulge me. <Full Article>

Exporting the Downside of War: Election Won't Change Drone Policy

by Matt Southworth
matt_southworth_0512.JPGSince the US economy is the main issue on the minds of voters this election season, let's talk about Unmanned Arial Vehicles<> strikes - drones strikes - in economic terms.
The use of drones for strikes in places like Yemen and Pakistan seems, to many, a justifiable short term investment. It's less expensive in dollars than Special Forces operations or a full scale deployment and almost all of the human cost - on the US side - is removed. However, this is a very poor, shortsighted investment with huge longer term risk. The likely long term outcome will be great US losses, and, riskiest of all, moral bankruptcy. <Full article>

Full screen viewing available by clicking in lower right hand corner of video.
David Soumis, member of Chapter 025 in Southern Wisconsin and producer of WYOU's Veterans for Peace, gives voices a quick look at the 1/5th-sized model of a UAV and begins to explain why Americans should resist this deadly technology that will only create hatred for America and undermine our foreign policy.

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