Thursday, November 8, 2012

Candle-Light Vigil Friday 7 P.M.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
In the wake of the tragic passing of 6y/o Tyreece Charlow, and a 5th Ward resident, a candlelight vigil to honor Tyreece Charlow will be held this Friday, November 9th at 7 pm in the back parking lot of NPE.  Parents should use their own discretion in choosing to bring their children to the vigil.
In response to the outpouring of concern from the NPE community, the PTO has created the Tyreece Charlow Memorial Fund.  Initial donations are needed to defray the cost of funeral services.  They are asking that all donations be sent to NPE by Monday. Checks can be made to NPE-PTO noting "Tyreece Charlow Memorial Fund" on the memo line. If the donations received exceed the cost of the funeral, the PTO will use the extra funds for any future efforts to honor Tyreece.  Donations should be sent to the school and not brought to the candlelight vigil.
A parents-only meeting for NPE families will be held Monday, November 12th at 7 pm in the cafeteria for a discussion regarding future ways the NPE community will honor Tyreece's memory.
In light of the circumstances, the Williamsburg Spirit and Fare fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, November 10th has been postponed until early next year.
I want to personally thank each and every one of you for the support you have shown to the NPE family in the wake of this tragic event, and coming together as a community to honor Tyreece.  I am truly proud to be a Nether Providence Twp resident and your 5th Ward neighbor.

Warm Regards,

Larry Baker
Commissioner, 5th Ward
Nether Providence Township

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