Friday, June 29, 2012

July 4th Block Party


 If anyone is around on July 4th, the annual 5th Ward, Fourth of July block party will be happening.
Blakeley Rd between Pine Rd and Walnut Rd will be barricaded off around 7:30ish (pm) to about
10(ish) pm to watch the fireworks from Chester. This year the fireworks begin at 9pm. Bring your
own blanket, chairs and drinks. I know some neighbors are bringing Marshmallows, Graham Crackers,
Chocolate Bars and Freeze Ice (or popsicles) for the kids. I will be cooking hot dogs again. You can
also access for info on the fireworks.

 The Foundry Church will also be hosting free Fourth of July festivities, right where the 5th Ward block
party is being held. Starting at 3:30pm, the Program will feature the bluegrass group the Rockdale
boys & local award winning country artist Sarah Spicer of Yacht stock fame as well as two other
bands. Come for free food and great American Roots music and stay for the fireworks at Chester Park!

 We are still in the running for a grant for non-intrusive, perimeter security lighting for Hepford Park as well as
street light upgrades for the surrounding area as part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
Keep your fingers crossed.

 An ordinance has been enacted for “No Parking” opposite the roadway from 111 to 113 Cedar Rd. This area
was identified as a problem area from a survey conducted a few months back. Parked cars at this particular area
were blocking traffic when parking on both sides of the road. Signs are now posted and will be enforced.

 Repair to the sewer line on Ridley Dr at the intersection of Chestnut Parkway has been completed.

 Community Cleanup Day is currently being scheduled for late summer, early fall. We are coordinating with
our new recycling company who will provide the dumpsters. I will provide the date as soon as it’s scheduled.

 Congratulations to three 5th Ward residents who have completed the Citizens Police Academy held at the
Brookhaven Police Department. They are Chris Keller, Gina Costa & David Garvey. Training was held every
Monday for over two months, with topics ranging from bomb squad techniques, investigations, tour of the radio
room, mounted police visits, forensics and many other topics. They graduated on June 11th. If anyone is
interested in the Citizens Police Academy, let me know. It is a very rewarding & fun experience~!!!!

 New stops signs have been approved for the intersection of Pennsylvania Ave and Dover Court, as a result of an
intensive township traffic study. These stops signs should be erected in the coming weeks.

 Congratulations to 5th Ward resident, Tracy Bratton, who was appointed to the Nether Providence Twp Shade
Tree Committee. Good luck to her.

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