Sunday, November 25, 2012

Better Late Than Never

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

October 01, 2012
National Substance Abuse Prevention Month is a month-long observance to highlight the role that substance abuse prevention plays in promoting safe and healthy communities. The month provides an important opportunity to pay tribute to the devastating losses due to substance abuse.

October 18, 2012 is the first National "Above the Influence Day", geared toward the youth population and hosted by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. See more in the video below.

Synthetic Drugs: Not For Human Consumption

August 20, 2012
Of late, law enforcement and the media have been reporting an alarming rise in the use of synthetic drugs across the country. Gaudenzia seeks to actively inform the community about the toxicities and effects associated with these drugs.

Gaudenzia staff strives to educate the community on the dangers of synthetic drugs.

Community Champion Award, Greater Philadelphia Area

May 09, 2012
On May 9, 2012, Gaudenzia honored Michael A. Rashid, President and CEO of AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Companies with the prestigiousGaudenzia/Gustave G. Amsterdam Community Champion Award.

Over sixty sponsors and nearly 400 guests were in attendance to support Mr. Rashid and Gaudenzia's drug and alcohol treatment, prevention, and education services. 

Congratulations to Michael Rashid. His service to the Greater Philadelphia community is greatly appreciated.

Michael B. Harle, President and CEO of Gaudenzia Inc. presenting the award to Michael A. Rashid, President and CEO of AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Companies.

Michael B. Harle, President and CEO of Gaudenzia Inc. presenting the award to Michael A. Rashid, President and CEO of AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Companies.

DE Governor Visits Fresh Start

May 02, 2012
On April 30th, Gaudenzia welcomed Delaware Governor Jack Markell to Fresh Start, a residential program drug and alcohol treatment program for young adults.

DE Gov

Workshop Targets Synthetic Drugs

April 11, 2012
Read about the effects of Synthetic Marijuana: Gaudenzia's Marketing Director, Ken Dickinson, presented at a workshop in March.

Prescription Drug Abuse Forum

April 11, 2012
 Annual deaths from automobiles is now second to what group of drugs? Gaudenzia in Lancaster, PA held a successful education event about this danger. Check out a quick video from WGAL News 8.

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