Wednesday, November 7, 2012

5th Ward News Up-Date

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

I have some information to pass along............

The Board of Commissioners, along with the school district, have been notified of some very sad and difficult news that a first grade student at NPE, and also a resident of the 5th Ward, recently passed away.  The school district in the coming days will be informing the students that something sad has happened to one of their classmates, suddenly passing away and that this is a rare, sudden event.  There will be grief counselors on hand at NPE.  In addition, Holcomb, the Delaware County Crisis Response Unit, will be at NPE's cafeteria on Monday night at 6pm FOR PARENTS ONLY.  They will be able to provide information and resources for parents on how to speak with children about grief and loss. Please say an extra prayer for the family and for the NPE community during their difficult time.

On Saturday November 10th, 2012, the Nether Providence Elementary School's PTO will be holding the Williamsburg Spirits and Fare fundraiser at the Garden City Fire House from 7pm-11pm.  This fundraiser helps make it possible, and affordable, for the 5th grade students at NPE to go to Colonial Williamsburg, VA at the end of the school year to learn about our nation.  I was a chaperone for this trip two times for both my sons, and it is truly a memorable experience for the students for the three days and two nights we were there.  This is the second annual Williamsburg Spirits and Fare fundraiser with last year's fundraiser a big success, and fun. There will be food, beverages, raffles, dancing and more. For those parents who currently have children in NPE, please come out and support this fundraiser as future Williamsburg trips will depend on successful fundraisers like this one.  Tickets will be on sale at the door.  I believe the tickets are $25, ($40 couple) but please don't quote me on that. 

This Tuesday November 6th is the general Presidential election.  Like me, I sure everybody can't wait until this days arrives.  I'm kind of nauseated by all the political TV ads and mailers.  I did miss a lot of you while walking around our current 161st PA State Representative Joe Hackett, who is up for re-election. Joe has done much for Nether Providence Twp in his two years in office, and I hope he can continue his service after Tuesday. I will be at the polls on Tuesday and hope to see everyone.  Wherever your affiliation lies, and whatever candidate best supports your values, ideas and principles, please come out and VOTE.

I would like to sing the praises of our First Responders (Nether Providence PD and Fire Departments) who weathered Hurricane Sandy and responded to numerous incidents throughout the township during the storm.  I also worked during the storm and witnessed first hand the job they did.  I would personally like to thank our Public Works Department who responded along with our First Responders throughout the storm.  Emergency Management Coordinator and Garden City Fire Fighter Pat O'Rouke did a tremendous job bringing all the First Responders together and coordinating a response to Hurricane Sandy from the command center at the Garden City Fire House.

Finally.......In response to Sandy, our Public Works Department will be traveling around town gathering up storm debris on Nov 7 & Nov 8.  Broken tree limbs and twigs must be gathered in bundles no more than 3 feet in length.  Biodegradable bags can also be purchased from the township for $1 each to gather up debris.  Residents should make sure the bundles and bags can be successfully lifted in the truck by the public work employees.  Heavier  branches will have to be collected separately.  Please call the township building to request a pickup to ensure your property is not missed.  

Lastly....Halloween was a huge success this year, being 3 days late.  From what I am told, parents felt less stress since Halloween was change to a Saturday.  They didn't have to worry about rushing home from work, and everyone slept in the next day.  Hmmmm......might be an idea for next year??!!

Ok, I'm finished.....

Warm Regards to all,

Commissioner, 5th Ward
Nether Providence Township

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