Monday, April 23, 2012

Rocky Run Youth & Teen Programs

7th Grade Membership Initiative

Starting January 1st, 2010, the YMCA of Philadelphia & Vicinity invites all 7th grade students to join us with a FREE ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP.
The intention of this initiative is to promote the well-being of young adolescents at a time that is most crucial to the development of choices about healthy lifestyles.
7th grade students can join any one of our 10 branches for a FREE one-year membership.
In order to obtain their FREE one-year membership, students must bring the following to any of the 10 Branches that are a part of the YMCA of Philadelphia & VIcinity
  • School roster, School ID, or Report Card proving current enrollment as a 7th grader
  • A Parent or Guardian


Y Achievers is a developmentally based extracurricular and educational teen mentoring program designed to give 5th - 12th grade youth the tools they need to succeed in college and beyond.  The Y Achievers program was created with the following three goals:
  • to encourage youth to set and achieve high educational, personal and professional goals;
  • to help youth create positive mentoring relationships with adults who have achieved personal and professional success, and to acknowledge both for their efforts in this regard; and
  • and to create channels for continuing community investment and involvement by business and industry.
These goals are achieved by hosting a variety of activities specific to each level of program participation; all activities however, fall under 5 Programmatic Thrusts:  Career Exploration, College Readiness, Leadership Development, Personal (Character) Development, and Community Investment.
Y Achievers workshops are held at various days and time at all of our YMCA branches, as well as on 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Drexel University for students in grades 9-12.  The program operates at four program levels:  Youth Achievers (5th-6th Grade), Tourist Achievers (7th-8th Grade), Teen Achievers (9th-10th Grade), and Future Leaders (11th-12th Grade); for specific program day and time information, please contact the Y Achievers Campus Coordinator at your branch.  College students and working (or retired) professionals willing to share their expertise as a program volunteer are always needed; for information on how to get involved as an Adult or Collegiate Achiever, please contact Dan Glavin at 610-627-9622 x1222.  A membership is provided for all program participants with good attendance.
  • Y Achievers Application
  • 2011-2012 Y Achievers Application
  • Download PDF

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