Same Tired Rhetoric188,667
by rnc 1 week ago
Latest RNC Ads
1-10 of 72A collection of all RNC web ads and TV ads published in the 2011-2012 cycle.
From 'Hope' to Hypocrisy: Excuses, Excusesrnc 231 views 18 hours agoJoin us at ... because excuses don't pay the mortgage.
From 'Hope' To Hypocrisy: New Hampshire Editionrnc 1,389 views 5 days agoIn 2008, Candidate Obama promised New Hampshire he was different. Four years later, we know it was all an act, and since President Obama has no record to run on, he's resor...
From 'Hope' to Hypocrisy: Florida Editionrnc 1,802 views 6 days agoIn 2008, speaking in Jacksonville, Florida, Candidate Obama criticized the type of politics "that asks us to fear at a time when we need to hope." Four years later, we know...
Obama 2012: From 'Hope' to Hypocrisyrnc 36,139 views 1 week agoIn 2008, Candidate Obama promised "hope" and "change." Four years later, we know it was all an act, and since President Obama has no record to run on, he's resorted to usin...
Same Tired Rhetoricrnc 188,667 views 1 week agoDonate at -- Obama's budget speech yesterday recycled the exact same scare tactics he used last year. See the original RNC video showing Obama's State of...
Misplaced Trustrnc 2,757 views 1 week agoChange direction at
"Zero Votes"rnc 20,676 views 2 weeks agoJoin us at
ObamaCare: It's A Tough Sellrnc 64,801 views 2 weeks ago
"After the Election"rnc 49,771 views 2 weeks agoWhat else is on Obama's agenda after the election that he isn't telling you? Tweet your guesses: #ObamaAgenda
"ObamaCare's Lonely Birthday"rnc 16,726 views 3 weeks agoWhy is ObamaCare crying? Watch the video to find out, and join the fight to repeal the law at
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