Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lost Cat Alert :: Please Help Find Ruti The Cat!

Hi Friends and Neighbors,

I was asked to send the below lost cat notice. There is an attached flyer. If you locate the cat, let me know and I will contact the owner.

Warm Regards,

Larry Baker
Commissioner, 5th Ward
Nether Providence Township


To my friends,

Our dear inside cat, Ruti, got out late on Sunday night and we have not seen her since. We miss her and want her back. Attached is a flyer. If you would be so kind as to do one or two things for us, we would be so grateful.

Please forward this to those you know in the Nether Providence area and/or print just a couple of the flyers and post them to telephone poles in your area. With the nice weather, the walkers are out in force so perhaps someone will see the flyer and recognize Ruti.

I do not mean for people's boxes to be stuffed with multiple e-mails from various friends, however, it is very easy to simply hit delete for duplicate e-mails. We have been walking the neighborhood but have no idea how far she may have traveled. Maybe she is even safe and sound with someone who took her in.

We miss our precious Ruti!

Thank you so very much for your time. We are grateful for any help you can offier!

Anne, Sharon & Allie


Missing since: 3/19/2012

Last Seen: Georgetown Rd, Wallingford

Missing female “tortoise shell” cat who
answers to the name Ruti, or Rutabaga.
She is very shy but friendly.

If you find her, please call 610-876-2240
or e-mail

We miss her!

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