Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Please Vote Today! Thank You.

Nether Providence Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners approved the 2011
road resurfacing program to go out for bid.

Only those roads deemed the worst by the
township engineer were chosen. 

The following 5th Ward roads were
deemed worst of the worst:
1. Beech St: #112 to Blakeley (5th Only)
2. Harvey Rd: Beech to past MapleRd (1/5)
3. Walnut Rd: Intersection w/ Harvey Rd. (5/7)

Rental inspection has been voted on, and
approved. The new rental inspection forms can
be found on the township website

MULCH is available to all township residents:
a. Full Truck Load: $105 (approx. 5-6 yards)
b. Half Truck Load: $65

Contact the township building to schedule your
delivery before supplies run out.

5K Race Scheduled for October 22, 2011.
More info to come.

There have been discussions about regulating (not
banning), pigs/ farm animals.  

There have been discussions about convertingsewer bills based on water usage. 

More  information to come.

Bullens Lane field to be re-named after Mickey
Vernon on October 22nd, 2011

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